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Radial Bearing 623zz. Depth: 5mm Inner diameter: 4mm Outer diameter: 13mm More info:
Rods kit required for assembly of Prusa i3 Steel.CNC cut with high quality. No burrs Chamfer edges to facilitate assembly.
Bearings kit for Prusa i3 Steel (and every other 3D printer in general).
Hobbed bolt with sharp teeth made of hardened steel. Greg's wade extruder compatible.
Blued screws in to the structure of steel Steel i3 Prusa.
Pack made of 4 springs for the base of the heatbed.Their function is to level and cushion the base. External diametre: 9mm Internal diametre: 6mm Long: 22mm
High quality machining extruder kit with motor included. New 2017 versión here.
Linear bearing Igus RJ4JP 01-08 without balls neither manteinance and with low friction (compatible with LM8UU standard). Original igus bearing.
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